
We are working to build a formidable nationwide network of young leaders who support the proposed "Keep Nine" Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would preserve the current number of nine Supreme Court Justices.

We serve as the youth wing of the Keep Nine Coalition. The Keep Nine Coalition is a nonpartisan, bipartisan coalition that was founded by a bipartisan group of former Attorneys General. Our goal is to permanently ban court-packing by taking away the power of Congress to manipulate the size of the Supreme Court.  

The Keep Nine Amendment has been introduced in the United States Senate by Senator Ted Cruz (S.J.Res.21) and in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congressman Dusty Johnson (H.J.Res.8). We have secured nineteen co-sponsors in the Senate, and 114 co-sponsors in the House.

The constitutional amendment that we are proposing contains only 13 words and would be the shortest amendment in the Constitution. It simply says: "The Supreme Court of the United States shall be composed of nine Justices." 

Since 1789, the Constitution has been silent on the number of Justices of the Supreme Court, but the Court has had nine Justices since 1869. That 9 Justice tradition is now threatened by proposals to expand the size of the Court.

Our founders had the right idea -- they envisioned three independent and separate branches of government. Two political branches, and one, the judiciary, was nonpolitical and should continue to be nonpolitical. 

Court-packing poses a major threat to the future of our nation. It would be detrimental to the rule of law, and the independence of the judiciary, and it would destroy the checks and balances on the abuse of power by the other two branches. 

Help us build a nationwide movement of our best and brightest to preserve the sanctity of our highest court. If you're interested in becoming a leader in a burgeoning nationwide movement by starting a campus, statewide, or local chapter -- reach out to us and we will help you. 

Contact us at youngleadersforkeepnine@gmail.com.